SOGEA (Single Order Generic Ethernet Access) only offers a broadband data service replacing FTTC (Fibre to the Cabinet) that used to offer data and voice.
VoIP phones work via this data-only connection as will your computers. It’s handy to think of Voice over Internet Protocol telephones as computers with a handset attached so treat them as such.
Everything will operate via the new digital (SOGEA) service come 2025. If you don’t convert to this service…well last one to leave please switch the lights out !.
Start thinking about how and when you convert existing legacy phone systems over to VoIP, including home workers. There are some wonderful pub tales about VoIP but take it from an engineer, it sounds better, calls are cheaper, you don’t lose your businesses phone numbers and incredibly it costs less to install and operate so why wouldn’t you convert to a slicker, cheaper way of running a business ?.
…Something to ponder for the next few months