Roku Express Black Full HD Wi-Fi
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The simple way to start streaming With a short step-by-step setup and an easy on-screen experience, the Roku Express is perfect for new users, but powerful enough for seasoned pros. 5x more powerful. 100x more fun. From movies and series on Netflix and Amazon, to cable alternatives like DIRECTV NOW—stream the most talked about TV across free and paid channels with 5x more power than the previous generation Roku Express. Low cost. No extra fees. For under $30, the Roku Express includes a High Speed HDMI® Cable—and there’s no monthly equipment fee. Plus, with access to hundreds of free channels, there’s plenty to stream without spending extra. Setup is a cinch Plug it in, connect to the internet, and start streaming. It’s as simple as that. Easy-to-use remote It’s got everything you need, plus shortcut buttons to popular streaming channels. Things you’ll love with Roku Express 500,000+ movies and TV episodes Movies. TV. Original series. Kids’ shows. News. Sports and more. Watch almost anything across thousands of free or paid channels available in a click. Fantastic free entertainment Access hundreds of live-streaming and on-demand free channels, including The Roku Channel, packed with Hollywood hits. Search across channels Search by title, actor, or director and get unbiased results across 500+ channels to see where you can stream your favorite shows free or at the lowest cost. The free Roku mobile app Turn your iOS® or Android™ device into the ultimate streaming companion. Control your Roku player, search with your keyboard, plus get features like: Private listening Use headphones to listen as loud as you want without disturbing the house. Voice search Just say it to search by title, actor, or director across 500+ channels. Cast to TV See your photos, videos, and music up on your big screen.
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